Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Posted by Hello

Well, this is it, the big 2-9. God. I remember thinking how old that sounded. How mature and worldly I was going to be by the time I hit 29.

So much for that idea.

Instead of doing something with my life that is unbelieveably glamorous or being settled down with a husband and 2.5 kids I live with a room mate and am nowhere near the stage of my life where I'm ready to settle down. Nuh-uh.

So instead of thinking about all of the things I don't have, tonight I'm going to drink my Smithwick's, wear my tiara and concentrate on what I do...good friends, a loving (even if they are crazy) family and the freedom to pretty much do whatever (and whoever) I want.

All in all life really is good. Now if only I could get rid of those pesky 20lbs....

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