Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Just like this little one, I was suckered into politics at an early age (from the Dean For America gallery). Posted by Hello

My first political experience came at the ripe old age of 4, just a few weeks shy of 5. It was 1980. Ronald Reagan was running against incumbent Jimmy Carter. My grandma was all about Jimmy. He was a Democrat of course (because that's how we spell it in my family, with a capital D). and according to Grandma Verna there is no other real political party out there. The Democrats were the party of the people. The party that cared.

So election night 1980, up way past my bedtime, while my parents were out voting and doing errands, Grandma and I watched the election coverage. Every now and then I would wander off to play with a toy. Maybe pick up a doll or my Mickey Mouse Club tennis set but more times than not Grandma would bring me back to the television.

"This is history happening right in front of your eyes," she said. "This is how we do it in America. We keep our government in check by voting. You're going to vote when you get older, right?"

I remember nodding my head and cuddling up on the couch. Ready to fall asleep but anxious to see what would happen because, well, she was so anxious. When it looked like Reagan was going to win all I remember her saying was "Oh god, there goes the country!"

I've been pretty politically aware since my high school days. I registered Democrat when I turned 18. Worked on campaigns. Was a founding member of the College Democrats at my alma mater. And still to this day make sure I vote in every primary and general election.

I'm not saying all of this to brag. Quit the contrary. What the little story above illustrates more than anything is that if you get our young people involved at an early age in the political and governmental processes, then you will have informed enthusiastic voters down the line.

My sister called tonight to make sure I voted. Sadly she's on the other side of the fence this time, being a military wife and all. But at least I know my mom, grandmother and I put a vote in for the right guy.

I was going to stay up tonight and watch the results come in like I did 24 years ago. Only problem is I need to be up early for work. So I'll go to bed in a little bit with crossed fingers and hope we wake up to a new president and a chance to untangle the mess our current one has gotten us into.

Otherwise, well, Canada is looking pretty good...

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