Thursday, January 11, 2007


After 27 hours of labor, three epidurals and one cesarean, I am pleased to announce the arrival of my beautiful little Peanut, Rylee Gabriella (weighing in at 5lbs, 7 oz 18" long) at 9:16 a.m. today

Little sis was a major trooper throughout the whole thing, waiting until she was almost 12 hours in to get the first epidural. I probably would have been yelling for it the second I got to the hospital...which is why she's having the kids. In the meantime, all are doing well. Rylee and Little sis are coming home Sunday (we think).

Auntie Agategoddess, is, needless to say, beside herself with pride and happiness (my friends are sick of having pictures shoved in their faces already). So much so she cried when she held her niece for the first time. Then again in the car on the way home. Then again while she was watching television....


Anonymous said...

Congrats Auntie! She looks very sweet. Sounds like your sister had a rough time of it. Glad both are doing well.

kate said...

Aww! Congrasulations! That's so sweet. And I love her name, it's so pretty.