Sunday, August 19, 2007


Forgive me Mr. Thompson, for I have sinned.

It's been over 20 years since you first showed me the way, in sixth grade study skills class. And I have strayed from the path of organization. I have not followed the path of the hi-liter as you requested we do. Nor have I maintained a streamlined and effective policy of writing down my daily tasks in the holy planner, as instructed.

I come to you today with a penitant heart, aware that I have strayed far from the path of organization. Knowing that I am not exactly the most faithful of filers.

There have been a few bright moments, but alas, they have been few and far between. Today's burst of organization wherein I finished paperwork for band season, created the blessed spreadsheet of attendance and cleaned the kitchen was a glimmer of hope for me in a sea of paperwork created darkness.

So Mr. Thompson I shall say 10 Hail Organizers and 5 Thou Shalt Do Your Work Right Aways.

And stop by Office Max tomorrow for multi-colored hi-liters.


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