Tuesday, March 26, 2002

So I jinxed myself. Those God Damn turtles are in the final four. What is this world coming to?! Theoretically (you all know my horrible spelling skills) I should be rooting for them as they are in the ACC. It is just so hard to switch gears from hating a team with all your might to suddenly rooting for them. I honestly have no desire to watch the final this year. Sigh, if only Jason Williams had hit those free throws. Guess I'll have to just wait for next year.

Baseball season is fast approaching. Can't wait for opening day at Camden Yards on Monday. I intend on being, cough cough, sick (wink wink) that day and not going to work. Hey, I deserve it. I can not tell you how many times in the past week my co worker at Job #1 has left early or not been here at all because her kid was sick. Besides, at least on opening day the O's have a chance although this year, I do not know about that. They play the Yankees. Ugh. Who knows, the Birds did relatively well in spring training so maybe they will surprise everyone. Then again, to quote one of my all time favorite movies "And monkees might fly out of my butt".

Started my hockey league last Saturday night. Holy crap was that fun! It was a little frustrating as I had a hard time with the skating drills but towards the end of the hour I started to get the hang of things. Let me tell you one thing, if this does not get me into shape then nothing will! I was so sore Sunday morning I could hardly move. Of course, the big bruise on my butt from one of the times I fell did not help matters at all. The drinking I did Saturday night also helped in easing my pain. We went out for Room mate Marti's birthday. I actually had a good time hanging out with our friend Colleen and Marti's newest man, Matt. Actually this one's been around for some time (over a month) and I think will be staying for a little bit. He's a nice guy but way too quiet.

Until next time.

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