Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Sorry for the lull in posting. A very busy weekend combined with a surprise visit by my friend Leslie kept me away from the computer. I could have posted Sunday at work but I was busy with stories and didn't get the chance. Jeez I love the way that sounds. Busy with stories. Has a very nice ring to it. Yesterday I handed in the resignation. The reactions were varied. My immediate boss just kind of looked over the letter twice, looked up and replied "I kind of thought this was coming. Well, I hope you're happy with your writing." that was about it from her. Co-worker Jill got this frightened deer in the headlights look. The accounting ladies ran the gamut from sincerely sorry to see me go to how fast can you get out the door. Oh well, I won't miss dealing with them. They were the cement around my feet. My customers were the goons ready to push me into the river. Don't need to worry about that anymore! Woo-hoo! This whole thing is bringing such a sense of relief. I didn't realize how much I hated job #1.

Leslie breezed into town Sunday. She's on break from Seton Hall Law School until January 22 (must be nice). Last night she made dinner for Bob and I as well as her boyfriend Michael. Nice guy. I only really got to hang out with him a little bit prior to dinner but we had some good conversation and fun after we ate. Not bad for a 22 year old. Lol, only Leslie. I had my chance to pick up a younger guy. Lyzz and I went out for a drink at a local bar called Grandfaloons Friday after deadline. It used to be an older crowd, mainly people in their thirties, forties, etc. Not your local college bar. We walked in and couldn't believe the number of college students in there! It was crazy. Anyway, we seated ourselves at the end of the bar and started drinking our first round. Soon these two guys came over and started chatting us up, one who was really drunk T.J. kept insisting Lyzz feel his muscles. The other, Gabriel was very nice. Cute too. But very young. Don't ask me why but I have this thing against guys that are closer to my sister's age (she's 20) than my own. I don't know. It's unfair to them, for sure, and excludes a large part of the dating pool for me but it just seems a little weird to me. I don't know, it's more my problem than theirs.

Exercise wise I'm doing a lot better. I started the Couch 2 5k (or C25K) program again. The intention is for me to be able to run, yes I said run, a 5k sometime in Spring. If I can find the link again I'll post on here. It really is a good program for anyone who may not consider themselves a runner but are interested in getting started. Heck, I was always the girl in gym class that started off running the President's Physical Fitness Test mile but stopped after the first curve on the track and walked it. Lol, I think my best time ever was like 15 minutes. I hated that stupid test. The only real thing I could do was the sit ups.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I changed my haircolor again. From blond to red. I know, I know. I said earlier that I wanted to let all of the previous coloring grow out before I did it again. Oh well. My hair. I needed a change. Nothing like totally giving yourself a new do to change your outlook on life.

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