Thursday, November 18, 2004

According to my room mate "30 is the new 21". Thinking like that gets you a free trip to the toilet puking your guts out at 5 a.m. And 10 a.m. And 12:30 p.m. Posted by Hello

Like he was.

What a night. Friend Chad showed up around 5 with a bottle of Rain vodka while I was getting ready. Chad and the room mate started doing shots while I attempted to make myself look like the hot chick I wish I was. After I was finished with the curling iron I joined them. Big mistake. A bottle of vodka and 45 minutes later we were on our way to dinner.

Dinner was good. From what I can remember of it. I do know we were being loud and downright obnoxious at one point, which drew a few not so nice stares from two older couples unfortunate enough to be in the restaurant at the same time. Oh well. If you can't have fun on your birthday then when can you have fun?

We left the restaurant and hit a bar within walking distance. This was about the point I started slowing down. Only one beer was had there. A new friend from the new job joined us and eventually we were on our way to another bar for more drinks and other acts of drunken debauchery.

The room mate had done quite a few shots by this point and was weaving all over the place. Didn't stop him though. If I remember right he had a few more shots at the last place we went to which ended up seeing the light of day a few hours later. Chad and I got some pretty good laughs out of the whole situation. The room mate didn't find any part of his throwing up in the parking lot at Denny's or passing out five seconds after we got home funny at all.

All in all I'd say the night was a complete success. The room mate got drunk. We had a wonderful meal at a great restaurant. And I've got plenty of ammunition for embarrassing my room mate for quite some time.

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