- "denny's run"
- "Where to take 9th grade biology during summertime in California"
- "blue skys smiling at me"
- "bertuzzi moore remorse
- "champion sneakers"
- "fortello"
- "Chet Jonda MI"
- "Jefferson and Ratification"
- "Molly Brannigan's Harrisburg"
- "Yasiejko" and "family"
Some I can understand but jeez people, where the hell did that one about 9th grade biology come from?
Sorry, I'm getting a little testy. Today I played in my first game of the season. We did very well, had our first shut-out (5-0), heck, I even had two shots on goal. During the course of our game though I popped my knee. Again. This is getting regoddamndiculous. I popped it back in, readjusted once I got back on to the bench and sat out a shift but now it's nice and swollen. Tomorrow I'll need to wear my brace, stylish fashion statement that it is. Blah. Just another reminder I'm not getting any younger.
The room mate returns tomorrow from his North Carolina trip. I spent the better part of my night trying to tidy up a little bit. Mainly trying to empty the sink. Dishes from Friday night were all over the place. When He comes over, he seems to like cooking for me. I don't mind. He's a good cook. Friday night was no different. At some point during the course of the evening I must have mentioned I was hungry.
He took me seriously.
The grill was fired up at 3 a.m., burgers with a mushroom sauce, broccoli in some kind of cheese sauce, oh, and some garlic potatoes were all made.
Delightful. Good thing I ate it too, I needed something to keep my strength up.
Usually he'll ask me if the "doin' it was good". Yeah, it was better than good. I'm not going to splash my sex life all over this blog but damn, that boy did things the other night I haven't had done to me in a long time.Good thing this isn't a relationship. I'll miss more the "doin' it" more than anything else.
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