Monday, November 01, 2004

Happy first day of November! You know what that means, right? Only 29 more days until my birthday. I'm still compiling my wish list so check back later for ahem gift ideas. I already know one present I'm getting. Because he knows well of my monthly addiction to In Style magazine the room mate has bought me a year long subscription. Woo-hoo! I should get my first copy by mail next month. Just think, a constant source of shoe lust and purse envy in one easy convenient package delivered right to my home...ahhhh...

Life is good.

I apologize for the lack of posting over the weekend. It was a very busy and tiring three days what with working all three days at the Lobster (again for squat), partying too hard Friday night and staying out pretty late Saturday night I'm one pooped puppy today. Guh. Must work tonight yet but you can bet your bippy this girl will be crawling into bed early tomorrow night. After a few things get done at home of course.

This morning I had the pleasant surprise of an email from my friend Brent. He's back in Africa again until August of next year. I'm slightly green at the experiences he is having while there. Living at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro (sp), on safari everyday and doing and seeing things I know I will never be lucky enough to see. He's happy though so that is all that matters.

Excuse me if I ramble today. Lots of things on my mind this Monday morning.

Found out almost the whole restaurant knows about him and I. Sigh. It's so stupid really. Bunch of nosy bastards. The incident from Friday night didn't help matters much either I guess. We returned to my bed this time, a better option than the futon. At some point during the night while I was in the bathroom he crawled out of bed (presumably looking for me) and ended up in the room mate's bedroom. Not good. I guess the room mate told a few people about what happened as well as got on his case (jokingly of course) about it and it's spread from there. I don't know what this means. If things will continue of not. Right now it's just about the sex. No really, it is and I'm down with that. It's been my experience though that once it gets out about some guy and myself that's the end of anything that was going on, be it purely a physical or otherwise. Oh well. Like I said before, I'm just going to enjoy this while I can and whatever happens, happens. The older I get the more of a believer I am in the idea that life is too short to take for granted all of the good things that happen and stress over the small stuff.

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