Thursday, October 28, 2004

I had this picture all ready to go for last night's game because, well, this is how a Red Sox fan usually looks during the World Series. Posted by Hello

But happily, I didn't really need it. Nope. This year they finally did it, broke 86 years of curses, goats and downright bad luck. All are rejoicing in Beantown and heck, like Chad said, just maybe this will give us long suffering Orioles fans a little something to shoot for. Heck, it has been over 20 years since they were in their last World Series.

On a funnier note, check out this new tidbit from the funny folks over at Click on the Glad to be in D.C. button on the left. I freaking laughed my patootie off. Ha, don't I wish.

Today I did something I haven't done in a long time. Shopped. I mean SHOPPED. We were given coupons for B. Moss at work informing of a huge sale today. Wrong thing for me to have in my hot little hands. I mean really, what woman can resist 40% off the entire store and 50% off marked down items. I did exert some self controll though and only walked away with a cute short gray cord skirt, black off the shoulder top and a pair of black pants. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Now I just need to make sure I work extra hard tomorrow night at the Lobster to make up for the lost dinero.

It sucks being this broke. Oh well, you only go around once though, right?

Saturday night I was invited to a last minute Halloween/birthday party. Being as I didn't have any time to think of a costume I'm hauling out the old Miss America number (think red sequins and Marilyn Monroe) complete with tiara and a sash that says Miss Informed 2004. Get it? Miss Informed? It was too good for me to resist. We can also dress up at work. The day job, not the Lobster (party poopers). So I'm dressing up for that too. Might as well enjoy it.

Sorry if I'm all over the place tonight. Lots of things are on my mind but, well, the really deep stuff is reserved for the real diary. Yes, you remember those, right? They're made of paper and write in them with a pen, pencil, crayon, etc? Yeah. I still have one. And it's been pretty neglected. Poor baby. I'm doing my best to remedy that however.

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