Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tonight I'm supposed to be going out to celebrate one of my Lobster coworker's 21st birthday. Such young 'uns I work with. I'm not sure if I'll make it out for the $.75 pitcher specials or not. Tonight is also hockey night. And for once I'm not working so I'm going. I don't pass up too many opportunities to hit the ice.

Just in case though, I shaved my legs.

Hey, you never know where the night may go.

In my email today was the name of the military guy I signed up for through Operation Military Pride. LCpl George Thorpe. He's got quite a list of goodies on his wish list, so Saturday morning, after an early meeting at the Lobster I'm going to hit Wal-Mart, The Dollar Tree, etc. to put together a small package for him. Like I said before, it's the least I can do. We're supposed to write to the guys once a week. I have no problem with that. Besides, I miss writing actual letters. You remember those, right? They came in envelopes and had stamps on them?

Oh god, that reminds me, I better get started on my Christmas Cards. Guh. Do these holidays ever stop?!

Of course, the best holiday of the year happens in March...

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