How can you resist that face? (from Operation Military Pride's website).

While I will admit I am no fan of our esteemed president, his accidency W the II or his policies, I will be the first to jump to the defense of our troops and what they are doing in Iraq. Or Afghanistan. Or Korea. Or Cuba. My family has a long line of military service going all the way back to the U.S. Civil War. All of the branches are represented, my dad was a Navy man during Vietnam and his father during WWII. My mother's father was in the Army during WWII and his brother, my great-Uncle was a retired Air Force Col. Now my sister's husband (still having issues with the "brother-in-law" phrase) is in the Marines.
The men and women who serve our country do so with such unflinching enthusiasm and dedication it never ceases to amaze me. So tonight, as I was perusing the internet before I head off to bed, I came across this piece on MSNBC. While I know no one who is currently deployed (bro-in-law is waiting for his next deployment in January, probably to Iraq) I started thinking about how awfully lonely it must be for our troops during the holiday season.
So I want to do something. And you can too.
Check out Operation Military Pride's website to find out how you can sponser a soldier currently serving in any branch of the military. They give you info on how to send gifts, cards and letters. Little touches of the good old U.S. of A. that I'm sure are greatly appreciated. While my funds may be a little wanting right now I think I can scrounge up a few dollars for a card to send to someone who is fighting on my behalf, far away from home and their loved ones.
God I'm such a sap sometimes.
While you're at it, just a friendly reminder there are only 22 more days until my last recognizeable birthday. Get to shopping folks!
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