Sunday, November 07, 2004

The next James Bond? Oh hell yeah... Posted by Hello

I've always been a marginal James Bond fan. Enjoyed the movies on occasion, not really all that into it though. I'm no diehard like certain friends of mine who have seen every movie and can quote each one word for word.

Then I read this on MSNBC the other day. Can you say "sign me up for tickets ASAP?"

Yum...excuse me while I wipe the drool off of the keyboard...

Sorry 'bout that. I tend to get a little excited about slightly tall, dark and Irish men. God I can't wait for my trip next year.

But I'm off on a tangent again. Like I so often am.

You may have noticed my weekends are often spent off the old computer. Work takes a large chunk of my time. Outside of that though I'm starting to find that getting older doesn't necessarily mean you need to stop having fun. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I've been going out more now than when I was in college! O.k., maybe not that much. Almost every weekend I'm at Jamie's Courtside (nice little sports bar a few blocks from the house) or someother establishment.

It's like I'm reliving my early 20s. And let me tell you something, it feels great. Sure my rebound time is a little longer than it was then (more than 3 hours of sleep in one night is definitely required) but still, I feel like I've finally hit the point in my life where I'm enjoying life. No stress about guys. No stress about family or work.

Just taking things as they come. And enjoying them.

One thing I am going to change though is my diet. Tonight after work at the Lobster I went out and bought the South Beach Diet Cookbook. I'm mostly curious. I know quite a few people who have done this thing and had great success with it. It's time to take the bull by the horns so to speak and hunker down with a plan of attack.

Sure he says he likes my body. My butt is not too big to him (then again he is 1/2 Mexican). He likes my mouth, called it "a cute little mouth" (no one has ever accused me of having a little mouth). I'm doing this for myself. I want to feel like I did 25lbs ago. Have more confidence. Feel good about my body and good in general.

It's time. Consider that bull grabbed and this cowgirl is not letting go.

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