What did I say before about when it rains it pours? Jeez. A girl turns 29 and all the sudden she falls apart!
Wednesday night was spent in the ER praying for some good pain meds and trying to convince my doctors that yes, I have had kidney stones before and yes, I sure as hell know what they feel like. Right at the start of hockey practice I began having back pain. Bad back pain. Kidney stone back pain. Back pain so bad I could only move properly if I was doubled over.
So I left the ice in tears, screwed up my courage and had good friend Jonda drive me back to York ( I practice in Lancaster) so I could go to the hospital. The room mate met us at my car and took me from there.
Surprisingly things moved pretty fast. My last two trips for stones cost me about 4 or 5 hours of waiting and putzing around by my doctors but this time they kept things moving. Put in the IV (after poking around for a vein), morphine drip started, CT scan, catheter (which, I might add, I never EVER want to have again in this lifetime) and finally more pain meds. Then the waiting. And more waiting. I remember we got through 3 episodes of Cheers before my original doctor finally came in and told me there were no signs of kidney stones (tell my back that) and that I had instead a lower back strain. Whatever the hell that meant.
I was soon given my instructions and a nice pack of Vicadin and sent on my way.
Yesterday morning I woke up hardly able to move. Just shuffling (because that's really the only way I can move right now) to the bathroom brought me pain. I eventually worked up my nerve and moved to the couch where I proceeded to pop those lovely Vicadin and Advil (600mg a shot) for the rest of the day. Most of the events of the day are a bit of a blur.
I hate this. I was supposed to go see White Christmas tonight with my friends Jim and John. Not happening. Last night I was supposed to have checked out the Harp & Fiddle with friends from work. Nope. Wasn't going to happen either. Sigh. You know, this time of the year is really starting to suck. Big time.
And on that happy note, check out this nifty little quiz someone sent me. I keep getting in the 90% range because I can never remember where Wyoming and Colorado are. Try it and let me know how you do.
It's time for me to get off the computer. The chair does nothing for my back.
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