Sunday, January 16, 2005

As I sit here typing this, we're getting our first real snow fall of the season. Thursday the temp was 61, today not out of the 30s. Guh. Freaking weather. But I love the snow and enjoy watching it accumulate on my car (even knowing it will need to be cleaned off tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.) and fall against the street lights.

Ah winter.

Friday I had the hair cut. Lots of layers that only mean one thing...I have now re-entered the world of the high maintenance hair cut. It really is cute, still long enough to pull back but when let down and curled looks pretty darn good. As long as the person who cut my hair does it. I attempted to recreate yesterday with not as much luck. Isn't that always the case though?

We lost our game today too. An hour and a half drive to play, hour and 45 minute long game, then another hour and a half ride home. Took up almost my whole day, seeing as how I didn't roll myself out of bed until 10 a.m. Popped the knee too. I'm so used to it now that when it happens I just need to have someone help me pop it in, sit out a shift and then I'm ready to play again. Some ice and Advil post-game and I'm almost right as rain again.

See, I'm convinced this is where a boyfriend would come in handy. Someone waiting with ice and snuggles when I got home, but alas, as I seem to be repulsive to every single man on the face of the earth, that isn't going to happen.

Guess I might as well get used to doing things for myself.

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