The snow came down hard today. We've gotten almost 6" I think. Since I haven't been outside of the house since 5 p.m., it's hard to say.
Despite the snow and slippery road conditions I still managed to make my first appointment with the trainer. Paul. Mmmmm....Paul. Talk about your motivation! What a hottie.
But that isn't why I was there. Nope. I was there to get back on track. Get an exercise plan. And start back on the way to a better feeling me.
We did all the measurements. The calipers. The tape measure. The SCALE. We did it all. And I tried not to outwardly cringe with each number written in my file. Truth be told I was dissapointed. In myself. In my lack of self-discipline and more importantly in how just unbelieveably FAT I let myself get.
After the torture was over, he set up a workout regimin for me. A little bit of lifting. Cardio. Maybe a class or two. All to bring my body fat % down. Loose weight. A lot of it. 69lbs of it.
That's the magic number. 69lbs. According to Paul I can make it down to a number I have never and I mean NEVER seen on the scale. By the end of September, when hockey season rolls around again. It excites me.
And scares me.
I want to do this. I want to be healthy again. Not just thinner and maybe prettier. But HEALTHIER. If I can get faster on the ice or have more energy to get through my day then that alone will be a victory.
One things for damn sure, we'll need to have less of these around.

Just call me Betty...

I baked one last batch of peanut butter cookies. Maybe if I stop the baking and concentrate more on the other stuff, this whole thing might work. Once and for all.
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