Monday, July 18, 2005

Two day hangovers

Is it possible to still be hungover from the activities of Saturday night?

My pounding head and bloodshot eyes are saying yes.

After taking care of some family commitments Saturday afternoon, I met up with my friend Laura for some shopping for our big event that night. What was said event? What was this momentous happening that I am still recovering from?

G. Love and Special Sauce played at the Chameleon Club.

Laura, myself and another work acquaintance of ours Mello, prepartied in the hometown. Lara works at one of the local establishments so we went in there for some reduced price beers and a shot called a Beach Bomb (Stoli O and Red Bull). Considering my caloric intake was on the low side at that point, and I had managed to get to the gym Saturday morning, the alcohol started hitting me right off.

We finished up at the local establishment and hightailed it to the Chameleon where we stood in line for about 30 minutes just to get into the place. Turns out the show was sold out. I had no idea so many other people were aware of the wonderful musical stylings of Mr. Love.

The opening group, State Radio, was pretty darn good too. From the great state of Massachussetts, these boys rock. I'd call them a great mix of rock with some Bob Marleyesque reggae thrown in for good measure. They were the perfect warm up to the main event. The crowd was damn enthusiastic and I know they won over quite a few fans from the people standing around me.

G. hit the stage around 11ish. The set list, well, um, considering I had downed quite a few beers and at least two more shots by this point I don't remember what it was. I do remember he did a good bit from his new album (run, don't walk, and buy this). He also threw in a few old favorites. Cold Beverages. Don't kiss and Don't tell. Morning lovin'. I'm not sure but I think I fell in love with the man all over again. That voice. Those eyes. The sounds coming from the microphone.

God that boy is good.

Two hours later, very sweaty (it was freaking hot in the club) and slightly drunk, we left for home. I think I may have done some text messaging during the concert, but I'm not sure. I found some intriguing outbound messages in my phone yesterday. Guess I may have some apologizing to do.

But I digress.

Laura dropped me off at my car around 2:30 a.m.ish but my night still wasn't finish. One of my former bosses had his traditional Jimmy Buffet party Saturday so after a phone call to friend Lyzz to confirm the shin dig was still going on (these things often rage late into the night) I decided to drop by with my bottle of Parrot Bay. There were only a few people there by the time I arrived. We finished off the rum, hung out and before I knew it, it was pushing 4 a.m.

My head hit the pillow around 4:15 a.m.

My sister called at 10:30 a.m. I'm not sure but I think I may have still been drunk when I took the phone from room mate #2. The little sis and I spoke for a few minutes (being the wonderful big sis I am, I called during G.'s set so she could hear him too.) then she headed off for a day at the beach with the pooch and her hubby. Don't I wish I could spend my Sunday's like that. I tried to go back to sleep but it just wasn't happening. So I dragged my sorry butt out of bed, screeched in terror when I looked at myself in the mirror (hair all over the place, mascara from eyebrows to nose) and made my way to some water, CNN and the Sunday edition.

The day ended only after I did my good deed for the month at the first night of my church's bible school and some grocery shopping with the people I'm house sitting for over the next 10 days. By the time my head hit the pillow at 10 I was one pooped puppy.

Today, well, today I've still got a splitting headache and just a bit of the spins. Talk about a constant reminder of a good weekend.

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