Monday, December 26, 2005

Quiet as a mouse

Today is the day the company is officially taking the holiday off. Unfortunately, the Obituary Desk is a 365 a year gig so here I sit. Enjoying the quiet while I can.

These days when I'm in the office by myself are really not all that bad. I can turn on as many lights as I want without hearing about "electricity costs". If I want to use the bathroom with the door open, I can. The coffee can be made as strong or weak as I want it. And I can be on the internet to my little heart's content.

Right now I'm listening to highlites from the 2005 Nokia Isle of Wight Festival on Virgin Radio. Someday I'll get there.

The holiday weekend went pretty fast. Saturday night I made a guest appearance at the annual Christmas party thrown by friends of my parents, Aunt Shelby and Uncle Ron. It was nice to see them again. We don't get together quite as often as we should due to work (they're teachers) and other extra curricular activities. After I left the party I made it in to the late service at the church I grew up in. Another place I don't go to quite as often as I should. The last service of the night is always my favorite. We light candles and communion is handed out. Generally it's more low key and reflective than the earlier one for the kids. It gives me time to think. About a lot of things. The night was finished out watching Independence Day with Room mate #1 at home.

And by putting out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa.

Sunday was surprisingly low key. Since Santa saw fit to drop my presents off at my parents house, that is where I arrived at 7:30 a.m. Mom, Little sis, the dogs and I all opened our gifts by the light of the Charlie Brown tree Mom bought at the last minute this year. Of course, it wouldn't be a holiday in my family unless some tears were shed and true to form, my dad was the cause of it. Without getting into the gory details (see previous archives if you really must know, specifically from the beginning of the blog) he decided he wasn't going to show up for our gift exchange. Anxiety attack or some other cockamamy excuse. I just rolled my eyes as my mother reached for the tissues and checked on the ham. This year though she actually pulled herself together and made it through the rest of the day all right.

She just called me tonight. He dropped off our gifts at the house. Too embarrassed to see us face to face I guess.

The high point of my weekend though was the two hours spent with old friends Saturday afternoon. My good friend Anne's parents invited us over for drinks and conversation. Just like in high school. Only this time we were allowed to have the wine. I was the first to arrive and the others trickled in eventually. It was so nice to just catch up and enjoy each other's company. Most of the group lives out of town so this was even more of a special treat. New boyfriends and new babies (Jennifer's daughter Maura who is absolutely the cutest little girl I have seen) were met. The best part was that we picked up just like we had seen each other the day before. No awkwardness or shyness. It's one of the great joys in my life that I still have such wonderful friends from my high school days.

Thank goodness for the holidays and weddings or else I'd never get to see any of them.

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