Thursday, March 07, 2002

As I do not have much time to post (almost at deadline time) I just want to say this and then I will depart. Why do people have such a problem with the new version of me?! I got into a major argument with friend Bob tonight over why I do not want to go out and do anything tomorrow night. For the love of Pete! First of all, that is tomorrow night not TONIGHT! Let's just cross that bridge when we get to it. Secondly, if I want to stay in and not do much of anything then whose business is it but my own?! I have had a very long week, pulling an extra shift at the paper and a night in to just relax and let my brain cells recoup would do me good. Besides, I have things I want to do that I am not going to have the opportunity to do Saturday. O.k., moving on. Bob started getting all huffy with me because I said I had just planned on staying in. After our very loud argument over the phone one of the guys I work with told me he hadn't realized I had gotten married. Tell me about it! Last time I checked I was single and very happy that way thank you very much. See, this is why it is going to be some time before I get bogged down. I value my freedom too much.

The other problem is I have seen the promised land. I have been to a place where there are activities that go on beyond 9 p.m., bars stay open past 2 a.m. and the guys are hot. Yes folks, I'm referring to Hoboken, N.J. and I want to go back. That place is an absolute revelation compared to my wonderful (again with the sarcasm) hometown. I need to move there, it may be the only thing to save my sanity.

On that note, on with March Madness. Go Duke, whup Carolina (like that's hard?!) and step on those damn turtles.


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