Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Tournament time is upon us and I consider this to be one of my most favorite times of the year. How can you not get excited about this?! It is basketball 24/7 and I love it. Of course, room mate Marti isn't all that thrilled but she will get over it. This time of the year I turn into a basketball fiend. I listen to games on a local AM station, wear Duke blue as much as possible (got to help my boys) and have copies of my brackets posted all over the place. Good lord I love this stuff.

Much to my chagrin, I have to admit I did go out on Friday night and against my will had a great time. Marti, Bob, myself and some of our friends checked out a new brewpub about 30 minutes from here. It is called KClingers and boy is it a cool place. It is actually a brew pub and they have almost any kind of beer you could want. I know, I know. Girls are not supposed to like beer. Well, this girl does. Just one more wonderful trait I picked up during my days at Ship. Heaven only knows there was not much else to do there. Anyway, I only had 4 drinks Friday night and was about half lit until we left. Sad, I know but like I said, I had a good time and that is all that matters.

Beyond that life is pretty much boring. Have a St. Pat's party coming up on Saturday. This one promises to be alot more tame than the previous one I attended. Maybe I will be the one to liven things up a little bit...hmmmm...we will have to see about that one. Plan on taking my little (o.k., she's 18) sis to New York for her birthday. Could be interesting. She's only been there a couple of times. I love the place, if I could move there I would. There is just something about the city, I am at a loss for words to describe it (shocking, I know). We should have a good time though. The hard part is going to be finding placees to go for under 21's that I will not find lame because as we all know, once you hae been there, you do not want to go back.

Better get going, more people are arriving at work and I do not want to get myself in trouble again for getting on the internet. God I need a new job.

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