Friday, January 14, 2005

Hallelujia it's Friday! Praise the Lord and pass the plate, as they used to say.

Is it just me or was this the longest week yet this year? Jeez. I didn't think it was ever going to end. Maybe it was the Lobster work schedule that did me in. Or the fact that the weather has been so crazy. I don't know.

I do know that I don't work at all at the Lobster this weekend (WHAT?! A weekend Lobster-free?! That's preposterous!) and plan on socializing to my little heart's content and playing hockey. What more could a girl want? Besides a new Kate Spade bag I mean. Tonight some of my co-workers from the Lobster and I are embarking on another Girl's Night. Different group from last Sunday but we'll have equal the amount of fun. We're starting early, after I get out of the full time job at 2:30. After my hair cut we're planning on hitting a happy hour or two then off to our favorite hangout. The others work the lunch shift tomorrow so they'll probably bug out around midnight. I on the other hand, can sleep as late as I want which means Party Agategoddess is going to be in full swing this evening.

Tomorrow night will probably be a little more low key. One of my friends that used to work at the favorite former job is having a belated holiday shin-dig at her place in Baltimore. Cookies, beer and a rumored reindeer on the grill are all on the menu. Throw in some fun loving late 20 to early 30 somethings and you've got a good time.

Sunday will involve me travelling two hours to Aston (suburb of Philly) for a hockey game and avoiding my house as much as possible when I get back. I loathe the rink we play in, it's tiny (if it's the one I'm thinking it is) and downright sucks. Eh. At least I get to play. That starts at 2. The room mate and soon to be room mate are planning on putting down a new floor in the basement for the soon to be room mate's living area. All I'm going to say is those two + power tools + a case of Yuengling = recipe for disaster.

Heck, I might even go visit my mom and the dog while the carnage in the basement is going on. Jeez, now that's saying something for how much I'm dreading what will be going on down there. Shudder. God help us all.

FYI - The bags arrived Wednesday and I am totally in love! I've been showing mine to everyone that walks by my desk and I can't wait for my sis to arrive Monday and open hers. Am I not a cool sister or what?

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