Monday, January 24, 2005

Smell's like Teen Spirit

Tonight on the way home from work I had a few errands to finish. Even though it was snowing, again, I wanted to get them done and over with. Then I could look forward to a night in.

My first stop was Target. As I usually do I managed to spend more than I wanted. The essential things I went in for were bought and one, very impulsive buy from the perfume aisle. I know, I know, who the heck buys their perfume from Target?!

Someone who smelled a perfume that she forgot she loved, that's who. A perfume she hasn't smelled in years.

I was actually looking for something else when I meandered into the aisle. And there it was...

Bonne Belle's Skin. Just like I remembered it.

Takes me back. Posted by Hello

Being the impulse buyer I am, I bought a small bottle. It's so clean and simple. Reminds me of better days. It also reminds me that things don't need to be complicated. Life is better off being enjoyed instead of spending it worrying about what is going to happen next.

It's better just to let it happen. Then take it from there and learn from whatever or whomever has come or gone from your life.

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