Just call me Princess Agategoddess.

Tonight was going to be Princess night. After I finally bit the bullet and signed up with one of our local gyms I came home in need of the tiara. A bad day at work and other happenings personally just made me reach for it along with my comfy pj pants.
It's a silly tradition for a 29 year old woman to have really but you would be surprised at how good it feels to put that thing on. My former college room mate was right, nothing is bad in the tiara.
And I have a new one. It's pink and was purchased for the Mardi Gras party last week. Now I'm making sure it gets plenty of use.
Instead of relaxing with a nice home pedi, mani and my new Shape magazine the room mate arrived home and reminded me the soon to be room mate has a hockey game tonight at 9:30. So because I'm such a good friend, I'll crawl out of my super comfy pj pants, throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt and head over to the rink to freeze my tukus off for about an hour.
Why? Because I'm good like that.
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