Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Falling in

Aumtumn is in full force here in Pennsyltucky. The trees just outside of the break room have started turning yellow and the air has a bit of a bite to it when the sun goes down. We're due for one more quick blast of summer then we'll settle into cool days and even cooler nights. Sweaters and hoodies just to run to the store.

Ahhh, fall, I've missed you so.

This time of the year always puts me in a better mood. I'm not sure if it's the fact that my birthday is quickly approaching (two months, 5 days and counting...ahem) or that I am just so much more motivated when the weather starts to cool. Could be that hockey season gets underway or that football season is in full swing. Or just the fact that fall nights make me want to snuggle under the covers with a good book and enjoy the quiet every now and then. This is the most romantic time of the year to me too. February and that overblown, over commercialized holiday that falls during that month? Eh. Not so much. Give me a good hike or walk around Lake Redman when it's nice and chilly with the promise of some hot apple cider afterwards and I'm yours for the night.

But I digress.

The baking itch is kicking in too, as it often does with the cooler weather. The room mates don't mind because they get the extras. I've been spending more time on Bakespace.com searching for new recipes. There are a few promising posibilities.

Of course, fall also means my favorite Starbucks treat...pumpkin spice lattes. Not that I can afford them on a daily basis, but that's what makes them so special. Once in a while a girl needs to treat herself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God, I hate Maryland. It's still summer here.