Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time, she is a flying

How did it get to be the end of July already? Seriously, weren't we just heading in to summer like, yesterday? Sigh. This year is slipping by so fast I'm afraid to blink. We went on vacation with my family two weeks ago to Oak Island, NC. It's a gorgeous little town, not very touristy and just close enough to Wilmington that there is plenty to do.

It was just what the doctor ordered for the both of us. So relaxing and so nice to just get away.
I'm hoping we can go away next summer with Will's family too. 

 We have also entered the world of house hunting. Right before vacation we put a bid in on a little house that we both liked a lot. Two bedrooms, one and a half baths, 1/3rd of an acre with it that has been BEAUTIFULLY landscaped and just a great feel to it that it would have been a good place for us to get started. Unfortunately, they accepted a bid put in by someone else, which we later found out was accepted because they were able to put more money down up front than we were. So, we're back to the drawing board. 

I'm starting to get discouraged especially after I see so many friends and family getting contracts and settling in to new places in the last week. I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever find a place. Otherwise, we're heading in to the last month of summer very busy. Tomorrow I leave for a three day camping trip to Cape Henlopen with the girls I watch Glee with on Tuesday nights. We're tent camping so this should be interesting. I haven't camped in a tent in forever! Should be fun. Then there is another wedding to go to and over Labor day weekend, a trip to The Farm.

 It's so crazy I haven't had much quality time with my sewing machine! That must be resolved. And soon.

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